- scapGNN::ATAC_netResults of ConNetGNN() for scATAC-seq data from SNARE-seq dataset
- scapGNN::ConNetGNN_dataThe results of ConNetGNN() function
- scapGNN::H9_0h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 0-hour phenotype
- scapGNN::H9_24h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 24-hour phenotype
- scapGNN::H9_36h_cpGM_dataCell-activated gene modules under the 36-hour phenotype
- scapGNN::Hv_expSingle-cell gene expression profiles
- scapGNN::RNA_ATAC_IntNetResults of InteNet() for integrating scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data.
- scapGNN::RNA_netResults of ConNetGNN() for scRNA-seq data from SNARE-seq dataset
- scapGNN::scPathway_dataSingle cell pathway activity matrix